
My name is Niels, I created this website “Young Traveled” to guide and motivate young people like me to travel. It all started when I was planning to travel with my friends, and I searched the Internet to decide my next holiday destination.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any sites that are up to date and dedicated to holidays for people of my age. Although there were some articles like “Top 5 holiday destinations for students,” I was quite disappointed because they were not very detailed. The information provided in those articles was not enough to encourage someone to visit one of those places.



I was quite disappointed with the search results. So, after a lot of thinking, I decided to start my own brand to provide valuable information to young people and like-minded people like me. I aim to cover everything that I missed or felt was lacking when I was looking for a holiday destination or traveling around.

I want to inspire our young generation and encourage them to travel around the world and experience new things. Because life is all about experiencing new things. The more you experience, the more you learn.

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